Certificate Achievement Unlocked: How does MOOC learners’ behaviour change?

Author: Yue Zhao, Dan Davis, Guanliang Chen, Christoph Lofi, Claudia Hauff and Geert-Jan Houben Affiliation: Lambda Lab, Web Information Systems, TU Delft


Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) play an ever more central role in open education. However, in contrast to traditional classroom settings, many aspects of learner/user behavior in MOOCs are not well researched. In this work, we focus on modelling learner behavior in the context of continuous assessments with completion certificates, the most common assessment setup in MOOCs today. Here, learners can obtain a completion certificate once they obtain a required minimal score (typically somewhere between 50-70%) in continuous tests distributed through the duration of a MOOC.

In this setting, the course material or tests provided after “passing” do not contribute to earning the certificate, thus potentially affecting learner’s behavior. Therefore, we explore how “passing” impacts MOOC learners: do learners alter their behaviour after this point? And if so how? While in traditional classroom-based learning the role of assessment and its influence on learning behaviour has been well-established, we are the first to provide answers to these questions in the context of MOOCs, providing valuable insights which can be used to design better courses in the future. As a result, we present a set of core behaviour patterns based on our extensive exploratory analysis of the log traces of more than 4,000 certificate-earning learners across four edX MOOCs.

Research Questions

We address two Research Questions in this work:

RQ 1: Do MOOC learners behave differently after clinching a passing grade?

RQ 2: What are the core behaviour patterns of MOOC learners before and after passing, and how can learners be classified?

MOOC Dataset

We analyze the log traces of 4,000 learners who successfully completed one of four MOOCs offered on the edX platform – they are summarized as following:

ID Name Start End Units Videos Questions Attempts Registered Engaged Passed Compl Rate
FP Introduction to Functional Programming 10/2015 01/2016 8 39 285 1 25,188 9,900 1,143 4.54%
DA Data Analysis: Take It to the MAX() 09/2015 11/2015 8 60 137 2 23,813 9,780 1,156 4.85%
SEW Treatment of Urban Sewage 04/2016 06/2016 7 79 36 1 11,006 2,589 361 3.28%
SE Solar Energy 09/2015 12/2015 8 61 128 1 - 3 26,718 12,723 1,346 5.04%

As the distribution of possible scores shows in Fig.1 (and with $\tau_{pass}=58%$ and $\tau_{pass}=60%$ in mind), all four MOOCs can be passed well before the final unit.

Figure 1: Overview of the fraction of scores that learners can earn in each unit. The passing threshold for SE is $\tau_{pass}=58%$, while it is $\tau_{pass}=60%$ for the other three MOOCs. Best viewed in color.
Figure 1

In Fig.2 we plot the total number of learners who earned a certificate by the end of each (weekly) unit — starting at the first possible certificate-earning unit.

Figure 2: Total number of certificate earners (i.e. "passers") at the end of each unit.
Figure 2

Pre-/post-passing Behaviour

Observation Analysis

The distribution of quiz scores and video consumption for our learners grouped by passing unit are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4

Figure 3: Quiz score distribution: passers are binned according to their passing unit. Rows represent groups of passers, columns represent one particular unit. Red plots show groups of passers that reached the passing threshold in a previous unit.


Figure 3 FP


Figure 3 DA


Figure 3 SEW


Figure 3 SE
Figure 4: Video consumption distribution: passers are binned according to their passing unit. Rows represent groups of passers, columns represent a particular unit. Red plots show groups of passers that reached the passing threshold in a previous unit.


Figure 4 FP


Figure 4 DA


Figure 4 SEW


Figure 4 SE

Clustering Analysis

We visualize the resulting normalized quiz score clusters in Fig.5 for the four courses: each unit in each cluster is represented by the average score learners in that cluster achieve in that unit with their respective confidence bands.

Figure 5: K-means clustering of learners normalized quiz score feature vectors for the first three unit-n passers groups (i.e. the early passers). The cluster label in each graph shows the number of passers in each cluster. The vertical red line indicates the unit in which passers reached the passing threshold. The shaded areas around the lines show the upper (99%) and lower (70%) confidence bounds. Best viewed in color.

FP (Unit 5, 6, and 7)

Figure 5 FP Figure 5 FP Figure 5 FP

DA (Unit 5, 6, and 7)

Figure 5 DA Figure 5 DA Figure 5 DA

SEW (Unit 4, 5, and 6)

Figure 5 SEW Figure 5 SEW Figure 5 SEW

SE (Unit 5, 6, and 7)

Figure 5 SE Figure 5 SE Figure 5 SE

Learners’ Behaviour Pattern

In addressing RQ2 we now conceptually define a number of behaviour patterns (shown in Fig 6, based on the literature and our own findings) and then classify our passers into their closest matching pattern.

Figure 6: Examples of behaviours falling into each of our five pre-passing (left figure) and six post-passing (right figure) behaviour patterns for a prototypical learner passing in Unit 5. Best viewed in color.
Figure 6